Monday, January 25, 2010

A heated debate, and some new tunes!

Who's better, the ACC, or Big East? The guys get in a heated debate, plus tell you why you should root for the Saints in the Super Bowl and much more!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Shootin' the breeze...first day craziness!!!

Basketball, football....more basketball, more football....and then some more craziness! But, what prop is now Joey's new on-air best friend? It's all here, on the first spring '10 semester show of the semester!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Weeeee're baaaack again...Mondays and Wednesdays at 2!

The hooligans are back! Beginning this Wednesday, and every Monday/Wednesday after @ 2 PM, Joey and Caleb take to the airwaves to talk sports, smack, and whatever other crazy shenanigans they happen to cause! Listen live at, or check out the podcasts here!

Here's hoping you'll join us for another fun semester!